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PJF Fundraisers

Petersburg Junior Football is a non-profit organization that relies solely on fundraisers to maintain its existence.  The Board of Directors implemented a variety of events to get the program off the ground which were all very successful.  Some of the fundraisers will become yearly events but new ideas are always welcome.  If you have an idea for a way to raise funds for Petersburg Junior Football, please feel free to contact a Board member.

Super Bowl Sub Sales from Avanti's


Sub sandwiches from Avanti's restaurant will be sold for Super Bowl Sunday again this year.  Orders will be taken throughout the month of January with pick up on Super Sunday, February 3, 2013.  There will be a choice of two different sandwiches as well as loaves of the world famous Avanti's bread!  Petersburg JFL will be at all PORTA basketball games in January to take orders.  You may also contact us on this site or on Facebook to place your orders.

HoopsMania Tickets


The Petersburg JFL organization is happy to announce that they will once again be selling HoopsMania sweepstakes tickets!   The tickets are $10 each and the buyer receives $10 worth of music or book downloads with their purchase.  In addition, the buyer receives a ticket which gives them a chance to win up to $1000 on the NCAA basketball tournament!  There is no basketball knowledge required to play because your teams are chosen for you at random.  Prizes (ranging from $1000 to $20) are awarded to the top 45 cards!  In addition, the four cards with the lowest total scores also receive cash prizes.  That is a total of 49 chances to win at least $20.  The JFL retains 70% of the money collected from the sale of these tickets so please know that your $10 purchase is going a long way toward benefitting our future Bluejays football players!!!

If you have questions or would like to help sell tickets next March, please contact Mike Logsdon at 971-4374 or via email at

Youth Lock-Ins


The Petersburg JFL will be sponsoring separate lock-ins for students in grades 6-8 and grades 3-5 at PORTA High School.  Last year's events were very popular with over 130 students attending each lock-in.  Dates for these year's events will be announced at a later date.  Admission for the events will be $10 in advance or $15 at the door.

Activities for the evening include dodge ball, basketball, kickball, swimming, and movies to name a few.  There will be prize drawings at the end of the night as well as video game competitions throughout the evening.

Concessions will be available to purchase during the event with pizza, popcorn, candy and drinks available.

Anyone wishing to make a donation or volunteer to help with the evening should contact Mike Logsdon ( or James Bragg ( via email or by phone at 632-7781.

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